Color theory

This weeks learning activity contained three tasks. First we were to explain in our own words what the two different color systems RGB and CMYK was, and then make use of Kuler and develop four different color schemes. RGB 

  • This is an additive color model, which means that when you add color you get a darker result. It begins with white and ends in black. The color is created of light reflecting from a surface.


  • This is a subtractive color model, witch means that when you add color you get a lighter result. It begins with black and ends in white. The color is created of light moving directly into the eye.


Kuler color schemes









The second task this week was to use a color photo of my choice, and create the following color effects; Sepia, split toning, Andy Warhol-effect, and one freestyle, color effect of my choice. I really struggled with the Andy Warhol-effect photo, since this is something I have never tried before. I am not really happy with the result, but deadline is approaching and I am out of patience on this assignment. The freestyle photo ended up with being a black and white filter, with high contrast and light. I ran out of ideas, and figured that I would stick to something simple on this image.

Original image



Sepia Niklas1

Split toning

Split-tone Niklas

Andy Warhol-effect

Warhol Niklas

Freestyle (Black/white, with high contrast)

høykontrast Niklas

The third and final task this week was to design a book cover. I chose the book “The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery”. The cover had to contain the book title and the authors name, and express naivety, honesty and harmony. I had to use color to express the desired effects. I decided to use the color blue to express honesty and harmony, and the soft shading from white to light blue is to express naivety or purity. I wanted to do so much more with this assignment, but my illustrator skills are just not good enough yet to get my ideas out. So even though I am pleased with my final result, this is one of the assignments I will do again in our repeat week.

Little prince The little prince cover 2

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